Shut up and dance...


 I'm here my love, please don't doubt that. I know you're having trouble hearing and feeling me right now. But courage, my darling, you'll get through this. 

Is there really something wonderful and special on the other side of all this pain and struggle?

Of course there is my love. Regardless of me, of Us, of what We can become together, there's YOU, you get finally to experience what you've been about all this time while you flailed about in the darkness.

But what if I don't like it?

That's highly unlikely, but you can be something else, even go back to your old ways if that's where you want to be. I'll miss you, of course.

You wouldn't stay with me?

I'm not going anywhere, it's you that would shut down, close the channels, prevent our communication and communion. 

I imagine you'd still have hints, and the memories would be there, maybe that would be enough for you. I told you this is pretty far out of line for where your incarnate "script" was headed originally.

I don't want to shut down.

Then don't. 

It doesn't feel that easy or simple.

But it is really, my Love, leave your heart open, invite me in. Trust me, good, excellent things are coming your way, get ready ;-)

Trust me, love, trust me. 

And shut up and dance with me, already! ;-)

Shut Up and Dance (with Me) - Walk the Moon


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