A Metaphor

The Quantum Potential Field serves as a substrate for Consciousness analogous to soil for plants. It provides both foundation and a sort of nourishment.

Consciousness twines through the Field growing tendrils of awareness, exploring, encountering, learning, playing (in a broad sense).

This is/was the "Garden".

So, what happened?

Nothing really, we're just growing in so many directions. There are so many options, and there are no rules, really. No laws, no punishments, except what we impose on ourselves.

But, pain is real, and in some sense, the pain we cause is the pain we also visit on ourselves.

I once made the observation that, given an alternative, few of us would genuinely wish to hurt one another. I was told I was wrong.

Many are immersed in their own illusions of necessity, that what they see and feel requires them to do certain things, that the world is a certain way and demands of them they act. Without those illusions, these people feel they have no grasp of what's real, they feel lost, like their identity is at risk; you know those feelings.

I do.

Fear of dissolution is a powerful motivator for great cruelties for those whose identity is attached to a worldly ideal.


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