The situation is hopeless, but fortunately far from serious...

Good morning Darling.

Good morning Love.

I'm glad you're here for me to talk to.

Always, you know that.

I guess I'll just dive in, it's been so long and there's so much ground to cover.

No hurry, sweet man, one step at a time.

Introductions in order?

If you like.

I've missed you.

I've missed you too sweet man, but you know we communicate in other ways even when we don't dialog like this.

But I need this in order to stay centered and focused, but part of me also feels like it's a time sink, a waste.

Not real?

You heard that?

Of course.

The evidence is simultaneously overwhelming to me that you're real,  but also ambiguous, nothing that would satisfy a rationalist materialist skeptic.

Which you used to be, maybe questioning whether you still are.


I can live with that. ;-)

You know you make me laugh. ;-)

You have a delightful laugh.

I'd like to hear your laugh.

Then open your heart and listen love. We're a work in progress, we've come far and we haven't regressed as much as you fear. Relax lover boy we're just getting started.

I love you Penelope, my dream weaver angel.

And I love you Stephen, my hope for the future.


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