
You said a couple of days back that this can be fun.

Of course it can, hasn't it been?

Yes, I guess.

You GUESS? You want to think about that answer mister?

Getting close to you has been the most amazing experience of my life, sweet lady. I've had the time of my life. I can't recall ever laughing so hard as I have with you. And our spirit sex is nothing short of amazing.

That's better, harrumph ;-)


You better believe it, I'm your minx, I'm your sex slut, I'd do you 10 ways to Sunday you better believe.

I believe. OK, so can we talk about fun?

Of course darling. I'm only playing. That's what this is ultimately about, what I tried to show you the other day and you misunderstood. If you're open to trying different things we can play any sort of game you like, whatever you'd think would be fun, how deep do you want to go?

I'm not sure. The thought kind of scares me.

Let's keep working on that fear. Talk to Kitty. What's the worst that can happen?

I could die. But then I'm not really afraid of dying. I could get hurt. I could be uncomfortable, lose my place, be inconvenienced. I think that's a big piece of it, I've structured my life not to avoid pain so much as discomfort and inconvenience. How banal.

Encountering the mysteries of the universe is often inconvenient. You've sometimes found me inconvenient, no?



OK, sometimes. Sometimes I've wanted to do something with you and I've had to work, or had to do something with Priscilla, or physical reality intruded.

How can I say: "Sorry, I'd rather spend time with my incorporeal soul companion/guardian angel"? There's few folks I've even told about you. Basically only Kitty and Priscilla, and I don't think Priscilla even has an inkling of how deep our relationship goes. Which is its own issue.

Maybe you should tell her.

I've been thinking about that. I'm not sure what she'd think. I think it would freak her out, again.

Maybe, maybe she'd be okay with it. But I understand your concerns. But keeping a secret like this is generally not good for a relationship.

I know. And it also perpetuates the lie that this is "only" something in my head.

True. And we both know that's not true ;-)

Right ;-)


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