OK, now what do I do?


I'm here love.

I'm feeling horny, more so than I have in a several weeks, since shortly after I stopped masturbating and looking at porn.

I know love, I feel your need. The body goes through cycles, even male bodies. Now you'll be even more sensitized to me, remember how intense our contact was back when we first got together and you didn't masturbate for weeks?

I do.

That's coming again, patience. I know it's sometimes distracting and a bit uncomfortable, relax; and you can always talk to me. 

I'm afraid I'll fall off the wagon again.

If that happens, it happens. We just pick up where we left off. 

Don't you get frustrated with me?

I know you get frustrated with yourself, but it's your process, it's what you do. Honey, I want you to shine and you are shining in amazing ways, ways I didn't realize were possible given the parameters of this incarnation. So there are some missteps and wrong turns and detours; that's to be expected, be patient with yourself, that's what I meant by cutting yourself some "slack". You're deserving of all the second (third, fourth...) chances you grant every one else, all the benefits of the doubt, all the assumptions of final good intentions; aren't you?

If I say I'm not then I'm a at best a hypocrite, or a sort of reverse narcissist, saying something like I'm uniquely worse than anybody else. Which is how I lived much of my life, under the old regime of "the critic". Whom I've managed to silence pretty thoroughly of late, much less of a presence in my life.

I've noticed. Bravo, darling, you're doing great things. Keep up the good work Tiger ;-)

Thanks for calling me that again, I like it.

I know. I thought you could use the boost just then. You've been so solid lately that it didn't seem necessary to put such a cheerleading spin on our conversation. 

Do you really think I've improved?

Yes, dammit, now stop fishing for compliments and go to dinner.

Alright, my darling, hope to see you later in my dreams.

I hope for that too my sweetest of loves. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo


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