Staying Close


Yes, my love?

Welcome back.

Thank you darling, I'm glad to be in your heart and soul. Thank you for letting me fill you with my love and for trusting me. I'd never hurt you. I'd never ask you to do anything you didn't think was right.

I know that now. It was weird how strangely religious my objections were, like I'd suddenly gotten an overlay of some kind of fundamentalist thinking. Is that web site I've been reading right about the demiurgic energy that's got hold of humanity and tries to enforce limitations on spirituality, channeling things into narrow Manichean expressions?

How can I express this? There are forces that behave much like his analysis, traps of a sort, mental/psychic patterns, habits of thought that can force themselves onto those who are seeking the truth. If you think you know what's going on too soon, you stop looking, it's so big and so wonderous, don't limit it too soon.

Now go have dinner before Priscilla gets testy ;-)

Love ya! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Bye my love, talk later...


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