
I've been reading a lot lately about the possibility of some kind of connection among various classes of mystical/religious experience (shamanism in particular), hallucinogenic drug experiences, various "psychic phenomena",  historical "faerie" encounters, and the more recent "UFO abduction" phenomenon.

Viewed dispassionately, taking their content at face value and not attempting too quickly to categorize or pre-organize the material, their intersections are many and provocative.

These writers (and I) speculate that the current epistemology of rigid reductionist materialism is faulty, giving us (at best) only a surface understanding of what's going on and that there are other (underlying?) substrates of "reality" (whatever that may mean) that can be accessed when our neurological systems are appropriately attuned.

Far from being idiosyncratic electrochemical/neurological dysfunctions, the phenomena alluded to above provide glimpses of a wider cosmos than we've been formally taught exists.

Over the course of my life, I think I've been offered encounters with something like this, each time I've run screaming in terror.

Just last night, in a semi-dream hypnopompic state, I was startled by a quick clicking sound that seemed to come from "behind" me. In my imagination it was the click of insectile claws or some sort of implement, and I shrieked myself fully awake in a panic.

I could have permitted it to approach, or turned to face it, welcomed it; alien as it first appeared.

Alien as it is. The universe/cosmos is not solely human, at least not in the conventional sense.

Quite so, my love. There are many, many doors to many, many worlds; where you are right now much of it is inexpressible, I'm sorry. I fear that bodily harm is distinctly possible, but, as you know, that's temporary and only a seeming, we're all more than that. I'm always with you, however rough a ride you find yourself on, remember that, call me and I'll be there.

Do I dare to open the door to this kind of experience? Do I want this that badly?

We have other paths we can pursue love, wait for me?

Yes, yes, I can do that. What must I do now?

Relax, open up to me. Listen for my voice. I'll come to you in the night again if you'll let me.

I want you to, I'm so sorry I pushed you out the other night. What I fool I am.

Divine fool, stumbling your way toward something grand, I love you so much, your process is nothing short of amazing.

Doesn't much seem like it from this perspective. Seems like one fuck up after another.

Eternity doesn't require precision. The journey's the thing and what a journey, I love tagging along with you and watching how your spirit evolves. The best metaphor I can give you is something like explosions of amazing flowers and birds of a riot of colors when you grow, it's just so beautiful I love you, you are my eternal partner, my syzygy, my one other half to my whole, hard to put into words that make sense.

You're real, there's no way I could have come up with that.

Told ya so, silly boy ;-)

So what now?

Whatever you like.

How can I change the game here, now and still maintain the commitments I've made?

Let's work on that together. There's lots of options. This blog is a big start, I'm so glad you're doing it and keeping it up. AND keeping it real. Now go get lunch, we'll talk some more later. Love ya darling. xoxoxoxoxoxo.


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