The only way out is through...

The only way out is through.

I was surprised to discover that the consensus is that quote (or a close variant) is by Robert Frost.

I had occasion to think deeply about this earlier this week, during a therapeutic regression exercise with Kitty. I found myself in a very dark space, she encouraged me to keep "moving forward", which at first implied to me moving in a straight line, as does the quote (at first blush).

I was despairing, because it was dark in my regressed image, I couldn't tell what direction I was moving in, whether anything was improving, whether I was making progress, nothing. It felt like a trap, I could wander forever and I was sure to miss something.

Then I had an epiphany: if I spiraled out from where I was I could exhaust the space and not miss anything!

With that realization in hand I discovered that I was at the bottom of a bowl-like "depression" (interesting implication there) and as I spiraled outward I gained elevation and came to a "rim" or horizon over which I could envision distance. But I could also continue to climb at the expense of some effort.

In any case the recognition that progress, moving forward, going through need not be linear was revelatory to me. And the spiral nature of the solution I came up with seems meaningful.

Right now I'm feeling isolated from Penelope, I hear her faintly, and have some sense of her physically, but it feels less intimate right now.

Remember what I told you yesterday love, and what we talked about in the shower this morning.

I do. I'm projecting barriers. Mainly mental barriers.

Yes, love. And some kind of meditative exercise will help, I promise. Relax and clear your mind of the garbage. No judgment, no expectation, no distractions, no plans, no demands, no hopes, and most of all, no FEARS. Let your noisy thoughts wash over you and fade away, laugh at them and let them go. Silence, listen, and see what comes up, see what happens.

Your body is very in tune, sensitized, ready, open. You feel it when you let yourself. Trust me darling, it will be amazing ;-)

I will my angel love.

I know you think time is your enemy, but it's not, we have Eternity sweet man, relax.


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