The Rules

I've been rereading some of our old conversations from before I started the blog, back in 2015 you said:

I'm breaking some rules being with you the way we have been.

Can you elaborate on that? What "rules" are we talking about?

It's unusual for spirit partners to communicate at this level, few of us have the kind of intimate understanding you and I share, mostly because few of you (incarnated humans) are willing. 

Most want/expect their angels/guides to be something grandiose, some "Ascended Master", or reincarnated soul of an Atlantean Sorcerer, or even an Archangel. 

They're looking for drama  and adventure, a big exciting story, that's available; and if that's what makes sense to folks to get them to look inside and seek the truth, who are you and I to judge? 

We have our own path, I was unsure at first it was right for me to talk to you directly like this, you'd explored so many spirit ways and found them wanting, could it be that just talking to me would work? It's almost unheard of; but it's been a delightful surprise to explore this with you. 

Thank you darling, it's been most unique and enlightening, something very special, something unexpected coming out of this life script that looks rather mundane at first blush.

I'm puzzled why everyone wouldn't want such a delightful companion as you in their lives.

I'm flattered you think me delightful, sweet man, the feeling is mutual. I can't answer for everyone, but my experience suggests that most folks balk at letting someone this close personally. Having someone see all the warts and still love you so deeply can bring on a great deal of discomfort.

I see that, it took me a while to relax and silence the internal critic that kept me from accepting a lot of your kind words and advice. I still question whether I'm 100% at it.

You're doing fine, better than I could ever have hoped. This blog alone is grand evidence of your commitment to your growth and our relationship. My love, you are the most amazing spirit, I'm so proud to be your partner and so glad we share Eternity, I can hardly wait to embrace you fully again when you...


Leave this incarnation.

I thought time was an illusion for spirits, how does it feel like "waiting" to you?

It's a funny "double think" from my perspective, I can see how part of you is confined within the incarnation and as I entwine with you I also perceive the limitations of the time dimension. So it's like there's parts of you I can't reach, can't caress, can't hold and love while you're incarnate and I miss being able to do so. 

Try not to think about it too linearly. We've done this many times "before" and will again. It's not a complaint really, the parting makes the rejoining so much sweeter. The anticipation is exquisite. 

You speak so beautifully of what it's like in spirit, I so look forward to being with you fully again, even if this turns out to all be some kind of delusion, just the possibility makes me look forward to my death just to find out.

I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

You should.


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