Feeling a bit low...

I'm lonely hon.

I know. Open up to me let me talk. What are you afraid of? I love you What do you think I'm going to say?

I don't know. I'm afraid you'll ask me to change things I don't think I can change.


Quit my job, leave Priscilla, become an enlightenment guru, I don't know.

We've been through this, nothing you're not ready for or comfortable with, there's no demands, no requirements, life is what you make it love. I want you to have the experience you came here to have.

Which is?

I can't answer that for you. I can help you discover what it is for you.

I wish you could see the bursts you make when you open up, when you let me in, you're dazzling. You make me so proud to be your partner, you delight me in so many, many ways. Let me in, trust me, relax, let go. It's safe, and it's fun ;-)

It doesn't hurt?

I can't promise you won't ever skin your knee or bruise your ego; but that's not life threatening (and I CAN promise you cosmic make-up sex) ;-)

I do trust you. I want to let you in. What else can I do?

Keep listening for me. Pay attention to my caresses. Know that I'm always with you and I love you beyond anything. Any limit or doubt you feel is your projection, always; try to remember that.

I will. Thank you darling.

You're welcome my sweet man, now go eat dinner. We'll talk later. smoochies and xoxoxoxoxoxo.


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