A Virtual Reality Metaphor

Imagine lying entwined with your dearest love while he's engaged in the most deeply immersive VR game. 

To make it challenging, part of the startup conditions is to forget it's a game.

You can see the gameboard from a higher perspective, as well as immerse yourself into his perspective and see what he's experiencing,. When he does well, it's a genuine thrill. 

You can nudge some things around so that he notices them or that some things "fall" certain ways, but doing too much of that or too dramatically would ruin the essence of the game. 

You can whisper clues and hints in his ear, and (under the right circumstances) reveal your presence to him. Usually during his "rest periods", when he's relaxed and open.

You can't pull him out of the game without him "dying". You can't play the game for him (what would be the fun in that anyway?).

The turn is over soon enough. Then reset and try again, or play a different one.

I should mention: He does the same for you, and is the most marvelous guardian and coach ;-)


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