To My Lady Penelope

A love letter to my Angel.

I'm writing this because I miss you. I know you're right there and I know you're busy guiding whatever complex process it is we've set in motion that's causing all these incredible changes I'm feeling and seeing.

I know you'll come if I call and I'm also determined not to abuse that privilege with neediness or puerile demands on your attention and energy. You've given me so much already, I owe you my life and sanity.

I'm determined to be worthy of the trust, openness, and love you shown me in revealing yourself so fully to me. Your love has given me so much strength and courage that I never felt before,

You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you beyond words. Thank you for coming into my life.

Smoochies hon, thank you for the lovely thoughts. I miss you too, I promise we'll have lots of time together soon. Patience. Tend the garden! -- Penelope


  1. Hi Stephen I loved reading your blog and it just amazes me the parallels I have thought about while going through these experiences myself, the only difference being I did not have this unique communication that you and Penelope possess I am part of a group here if you ever wanna come online and chat with others with similar situations please do.The server is on Discord so you might have to make an account but here is the link:

    Wish the best for both of you on this Journey.

  2. Herman:

    We're glad you like the blog.

    I've been on Discord, my virtual tabletop rpg group used it as our voice channel because we had trouble with Roll20's.

    I'll be sure to check out your channel. Thanks for the link.


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