Another metaphor

Modern physics tells us that consciousness plays a role in creating the physical reality we see around us. An "observer" is necessary to collapse the wave function that encompasses all the superposed quantum possibilities into actual observed reality.

With a few notable exceptions, talking about just what an observer / consciousness is in this context or how it plays this role tends to remain a hand-waving mystery (or uncomfortably dismissed non-issue outside their purview) for most physicists at this point in time.

A while back I had a vision of consciousness in this role as a sort of "read head", like on a CD drive. It moves along the possibilities of the quantum world and choses which tracks to follow. This supposes the all the quantum possibilities are present and fixed.

An alternative metaphor I recently arrived at was of consciousness being more like the sculpting / carving head of a CNC Machine that carves reality out of the lustrous onyx of raw probability.  

I still struggle to make sense of where intent/will come in to all this; what role does creativity play?


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