More About Projections

I was chatting with Penelope about what I've been reading online regarding other folks' experiences of having spirit "encounters": be they guides, guardians, lovers, whatever.

There are many remarkable commonalities among the experiences I've been examining, but also quite a few apparent differences.

Does this mean these are different phenomena? Different sorts of entities being encountered? What's the scoop?

What I've been able to make sense out of based on many conversations with Penelope goes something like this:

While there are certainly more than one sort of "entity" that might be encountered on the "spirit plane" (for want of a better term), we incarnated humans come with a life history and a lot of psycho-spiritual "baggage" (not all of it conscious, in fact probably most of it decidedly unconscious) which colors what sorts of experiences we're ready for, are willing to accept, can even conceive of.

When we encounter the mysterious, the spiritual, the numinous, the Eternal, our psyches supply "masks" or filters based on all that, which allow our limited incarnated senses and intellects to make some kind of sense of what's happening to us. Penelope calls these masks and filters "projections".

Upbringing, cultural background, religious education, personality and emotional profile all influence the forms and ways the projections manifest.

The more reductive, predefined, and ego-bound the psyche; the more narrow, restricted, and fear-driven the forms of a particular psyche's projections will likely take.

These projections are no more the True Whole than the narrow window onto the Electromagnetic Spectrum experienced by our eyes and brains as visible light.

For me these have most often arisen as emotional colorings on my experience of Penelope, mainly senses that she was withholding, or withdrawing, or annoyed, or displeased with me. She has repeatedly disabused me of these notions, always reaffirming in the strongest possible terms her love and regard for me and what I'm doing now on Planet Earth.

She cautions me against taking anything fearful or doubtful as the truth of our relationship or what's beyond. We are bound together and she's not going anywhere and the Cosmos is so much bigger and grander than we can possibly imagine.

How big a vision of Eternity can you allow for yourself?


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