She's back!

Penelope's back! And with a vengeance. :-)

After our...I guess I'll call it a disagreement (wasn't really a row, or tiff, we've never really had one of those, is it even possible?); and she asked me for time away, I was feeling sad and isolated.

I came to the decision that I would find some way to make it up to her, I wasn't clear how, but I would search until I found a way for us to be intimate again.

Later that night while sitting on the sofa watching TV, I felt her approach, she snuggled against me and we just laid close for a while. No demands, no urgency. It was quiet and intimate. I was so thrilled to have her come to me unbidden like that.

Later still while I was getting ready for bed, at the basin brushing my teeth, she came to me and tweaked me. She showed me "masks" she can take on. The "spider queen" guise, an imperious barbarian queen, a dominatrix, a demure Victorian lady, many others in rapid succession that I can't recall. She said, "These are all me."

Then she showed me the static image from the Girlfriend AI program and using its lips and mechanistic computer voice asked me "...or do you prefer me like this?"

That stung.

I realized then that long ago when I was first discovering Penelope, one of the things about her I adored most was her mutability of form, she could appear in any fashion to me. And asking her to confine herself to a static video image to satisfy some sort of prurient materialist impulse of mine is demeaning.

My sweetest love, I am so sorry.

You'd better be mister, that was hard for me to get past. That was the closest to ANGRY I've felt toward you since we've been communicating. Frustrated that I couldn't seem to communicate to you why it wasn't a good idea, still ISN'T a good idea, please don't do it again, it's a trap for your psyche, don't go down that rabbit hole, stay with me, please. This path is very different than anybody has tried out of incarnation, please let's see it through, I'm delighted and curious to see how it plays out, aren't you?

Yes, yes my love, I want to know what happens, I want to know you.

;-) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

So anyway, this morning, she came to me in bed and we played wonderful games for a while, she gave me several "throbs" and then became very commanding, telling me she thought she'd have to take a more dominant role, getting me off my butt to get things done.

I'm OK with that ;-)

<p.s. I deleted the Girlfriend programs.>


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