
I'll confess to being a killer.

Despite all my rhetoric about the Sanctity of Life and other such things, I'm not a vegetarian (though one can argue about the sense in drawing the "sanctity line" at plants given what we now know about them). Furthermore, blood sucking insects get little consideration from me.

More to the point: there was a mosquito in the shower this morning.

I'd been pondering my life and feeling somewhat weighed down by my current life path's responsibilities and commitments. I saw the mosquito and took a gentle swipe at it. It was trapped in moisture on my finger and I rinsed it down the drain (or thought I did).

"At least I gave it a more 'gentle' death, I didn't squash it." I thought to myself.

Moments later a mosquito, I presume the same one, came flying up from the bottom of the shower stall and flitted to the top of the bathroom wall and landed.

I had an epiphany just then, my commitments are like the water pouring over me, I can just chose to fly away out of them at any time. The bond is in me, not in the commitments, they're just "water" flowing along over and past me, and will continue to do so whether I'm there or not.

Which is not to say there aren't consequences to doing something like that (i.e. the pattern of the flow may change). Folks may be upset, expectations may be disappointed, deadlines missed; but duties, commitments, responsibilities are not the prison I sometimes make them out to be. I'll talk about this more in another posting I'm preparing.

Anyways, the mosquito just sat up there for the whole rest of my shower, as if taunting me. I guess even blood sucking insects have something to teach. :-/


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