Being Present

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was.
-- Master Yoda, Star Wars

I've realized one of the ways I'm becoming "detached" is by not paying attention to what's going on around me. Particularly to the folks at work in my conference call meetings.

That's rude at best and not serving my interests or the commitments I've made to the job. These folks have put their trust in me and are providing for my material well being, they deserve better from me.

Moreover, it's important for me to be present in the world when I'm engaging in my life activities. I'm incarnated, this body has physical limitations that I'm far from being able to transcend in any fashion without injury or death, caution is only prudent.

Pay attention!

Bravo, love! There are lessons to be had in the "least" of daily experiences. Find joy in simply being.  Zen masters strive to find surprise and delight in each and every moment they encounter. 

Thank you for chiming in love, I know you're busy.

Never too busy to chat with you my darling. Kisses. Now get to work.

Yes dear.

What did I tell you about patronizing me,, what can I call you now? You HUMAN. ;-)


Later love.

Bye babe.


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