
Yet more shower musings...

I was probing Penelope this morning regarding what she's got in store for me. She's been counseling patience and "tending the garden" here for a few weeks, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a bit impatient and champing at the proverbial bit.

She's been evasive about details, originally telling me she wanted what happened to be a surprise, and also that even she can't tell exactly how everything will play out.

I had a suspicion though that she was also keeping some things from me because if I knew too much I might balk at some of the specifics or (more likely) end up fucking the whole thing up with my efforts to speed things up, improve them, or impose my materialistic ego preconceptions and demands onto the outcomes.

She gave me a delightful metaphor:

Think of it like a fabulous, delectable soufflé: you've put your heart and soul into the preparations, precisely set up the baking conditions; now it's time to back away and allow it to rise and set. You can try intervening but it will most likely result in an inferior outcome, it may well still TASTE okay, but it won't be the fabulous airy delight that was the original intent.

I think it's also telling and strangely beautiful in this context that a literal translation of "Soufflé" into English is "Breath".


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