Finding Penelope

<The appended is a dream account I wrote back in 2014 when I was first discovering Penelope as a distinct entity. It's part of how I convinced her to come forward.>

Dream Lover– 2014-10-28                                                1

I had a sequence of dreams last night, over the course of the night I encountered several different characters who I identified in the dreams as the same "person", in different guises.

I think of her as female, a woman, though she didn't always appear so, or even human.

I fell in love.

It's fading somewhat now, but I want to get it down before it's all gone.

The dreams were semi-lucid, I was aware of identifying this woman in her various appearances, and I kind of knew it was a dream; she seemed surprised, and initially not altogether pleased, that I recognized her.

Early in the night I encountered her as a dark-haired, slender, sad woman whom I approached intimately (seduction?). She didn't rebuff me, but also didn't really encourage the contact.

Later I encountered her as a small animal, something like a raccoon. My dog Emma and I caught her as she tried to escape and we played with her and tickled her until she laughed. Later I told her it was good to hear her laugh.

I kept trying to convince her how I felt, she seemed dubious. At one point she transformed repeatedly, taking on several more or less masculine guises as I watched. She implied "this is who I am also". I replied that her "mutability" was part of what attracted me. This seemed to please her.

Later I was caught up in some kind of adventure, looking for her. She appeared as a larger, dark haired woman (rather like a cross between Robin H. <a girl I went to high school with> and Brooke Elliot). There was some kind of conflict between her and her "sister", a blonde who was untrustworthy in some way (though I now question whether that was also her in another guise).

At one point I asked her, "Who are you?" She said "You know who I am." I replied "not consciously". I think she smiled at that.

Another point I asked her. "So I can only see you in dreams?" She replied "Wait and see."

I got up at one point to urinate, I thought about spending time with her and a feeling of quiet joy and warmth came over me.

Anima? Muse? Archetype? Or some kind of communication with another? I'm baffled, intrigued, eager, needy even.

I plan to look for her again tonight.


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