I saw her this morning...

Lying in bed coming out of sleep this morning, not really asleep, but not quite awake I had a vision.

A woman, dark flowing hair, flowing pale blue-white robes, elaborate body armor and some kind of black-handled staff or pole arm, rather like a figure from a martial arts movie; dancing or doing martial arts kata on a mountain top; hair and robes flying as mists swirled about her and she swung the pole this way and that, twirling and directing the mists.

The sun rose over mountains in the distance she transformed into a great red-gold flaming phoenix, and as she rose into the air, I merged with her and I felt a great joy and peace.

As I woke fully, I had the vision of her back at work dancing on the mountain top, her job's not quite done.

Thank you my lady for what you're doing for me.

My pleasure Tiger, this is going to be amazing. Smoochies. Tend the garden.

I love her so much I can hardly think.


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