
I started writing this on the annual Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. A day of over-consumption of food, visiting with family and friends (not always peaceably), often ending in naps or overblown excitement over games of American Football on TV.

One common ritual on this day is for each person to state at some point what they are most thankful for. Common answers include the food, family and friends, good health (if you happen to have it), a decent standard of living, and those same Football games.

I'm of the opinion that cultivating a sense of gratitude for everything is a game changer for our experience of being incarnate and our growth process.

Having this experience is a wonder and a mystery. However it is, Whoever it is that allows us to do this. Thank you.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
-- Meister Eckhart


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