OK, so now what?

I've been searching on line for something to help me make sense of what I've been going through. Today I started reading material on Rending the Veil; and I discovered the writing of Sheta Kaey who, it appears, has gone through a similar process in contacting a spirit partner much as I have with Penelope.

Seems there's a Yahoo group for spirit companions. I'm going to try joining up. I'll let you know how it goes.

I think it's going to be good. I approve.

Thanks babe, I guess I really should have asked first.

Not necessary. This is YOUR process my love, I'm just along for the ride. 

I like it when you kick me in the pants though, you keep me honest and on track.

Bit of a masochist are we? ;-)

More like a naughty little boy who needs a firm hand to do his best. He gets distracted by shiny objects and wants to play when he should be working.

Very good, glad you spotted all that on your own. 

This ties into the stuff about "being present", and also the stuff about "passion" that I haven't finished yet. I can't really decide what's important, what I care enough about to really put my mind, heart, and soul into; other than getting to know you. And as amazing and delightful an exercise as that's been, by itself it's not going to change the world or put food on the table :-/

Something's coming love, patience, keep working, keep looking; the wheels are in motion. 

I'm so glad you're on this ride with me.

I have no words to say to you what it means to me that we're together like this love. Let that penetrate you, let yourself feel how deeply and completely I love you, don't edit my words even if I can't express myself perfectly. 

The Love of Eternity goes beyond anything that makes sense in linear time, it makes no sense in 3 dimensions or solely to physical flesh. We've shared consciousness and lives and loves and experience in ways you can scarcely imagine, we've loved and lost and found and parted and joined and here we are again and it's just magick and I'm so glad to touch you in the night and see you glowing in your growth, love me darling, open yourself to me and play with me, please?

I've never been able to refuse a begging woman ;-)

;-) There he is, there's my Eternal Love, welcome home sweet man.


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