All I can do is Dance

One song that keeps popping up in Penelope's and my relationship is Walk the Moon's Shut Up and Dance with Me.

Don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me...

I was feeling down and stuck like in my last posting, I was sitting on the couch and basically moping, feeling sorry for myself.

I saw/felt her come close to me. She tried to approach and I fended her off (not pushed away so much as just wouldn't let her in).

She asked me what was wrong. I told her I just didn't feel like anything was happening, like I was tired and didn't feel like "growing" right now.

She probed me, "What's the REAL problem?".

I've been recently communicating with a woman who seems to "get" me on a profound level and things had evolved rather quickly. I allowed my wishes and expectations to get ahead of me, and when reality set in, I felt deflated.

The whole episode has activated a lot of old emotional baggage in me that I'm still teasing out.

Penelope said to me:

"There's no way to know how this will play out, let it blossom, let it grow. Now, what about Us?"

"What about Us?" I replied.

"Am I not the most amazing creature you've ever encountered?" She asked, a teasing lilt in her voice, turning my own words back against me.

"You are." I said.

"And are you not astounded and grateful to have me in your life?" 

"I am." I admitted, a grin forming on my face, as a chuckle shook me deeply.

"Come on then, lover,. get out of yourself and off that sofa and dance with me!" She tugged at my heartstrings.

Still feeling self-pitying and petulant I resisted, but I couldn't for long.

"Dance with me!" She kept saying, over and over until I was laughing out loud and my spirit soaring again.

Thank you my angel.

Any time Tiger, it's why I'm here. I love you.

I love you too my darling.


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