Feminine Energy

I want to say some more about women and feminine energy more generally. I was raised by a single mom, she raised me to be a thoughtful, considerate, respectful man.

The fact that means that I strive to treat women as equals, rejoice in and encourage their success, give them due professional respect and deference (not to mention pay); in some circles translates into my being less than a man. If that's true, so be it.

I don't feel particularly comfortable in traditional male circles, I'm not much into team sports or many other "masculine" activities (golf, fishing, hunting, getting drunk). "Bro" culture leaves me cold and I find attitudes of masculine privilege, bullying, and sexual entitlement appalling. 

The recent news stories of deadly fraternity hazings are tragic, and I rejoice that it feels like something is changing in the culture that reports of sexual misconduct among wealthy and influential men are finally being taken seriously.

I truly relish being around women. I enjoy their company, their conversations, their intellect, wit, and humor. I can appreciate "feminine" activities: shopping for shoes, clothes, cosmetics; I enjoy a decent character-driven rom-com or chick-flick.

I question whether many more "traditional" men can genuinely make similar claims. A quote from Jules Feiffer seems apropos:

The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen, and all of a sudden they've reached puberty, they believe that they like women. Actually, you're just horny. It doesn't mean that you like women any more at twenty-one than you did at ten.

A more telling indicator might be the crude joke I've heard:

The trouble with women is that they've got all the pussy.

That not only reduces women to their genitals, but relegates the genitals themselves only to their utility as something for use as a focus for testosterone-driven masculine sexual urges. 

How small can you reduce another human being? I'm ashamed to belong to a gender some of whose membership feels that way.

I might ask a man who thinks this: "So why bother? How's that better than using your hand?" Or even: "Does that mean if some men had pussies you wouldn't need to bother with women at all?"

I might actually be able to help you there: Buck Angel.


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