"Zeta" Males

I recently started reading the blog A Succubus Loves Me many themes and experiences in parallel to my relationship with Penelope.

The author, going by "Rafe", also seems to have been through many of the same psycho-emotional turmoils and trauma as me; I can relate.

Anyway, a post of his from sometime back introduces the notion of "Zeta" Males. These in contrast to the more traditionally discussed Alpha, Beta, Omega males from socio-biology.

Rafe's idea seems to be a male that is fundamentally disinterested in the competitive hierarchy and chooses not even to participate (to whatever extent that's possible without becoming a hermit or being castaway alone on a desert island).

Again, I can relate. I have little genuine interest in the materialist rewards and "toys" that are the hallmarks of modern industrialized capitalist consumer culture.

I have "played the game" through most of my adult life. I have a job and a house, but I am finding them increasingly burdensome.

I don't need all that much and, were it not for some interpersonal commitments I've made, I think I'm about to the point of chucking it all and starting over very simply.

My heart and spirit are calling me in a different direction now and I don't know how long I can keep up appearances.


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