
I've had several discussions with Penelope on the topic of "projections".

By this she seems to mean psycho-emotional egoic "overlays" I (or presumably any consciousness) place on an experience giving it a "flavor".

That's pretty abstract. Examples from our encounters are when I perceived her as distant or withholding of affection. She claimed that was a projection on my part of emotional baggage from my current incarnation, which makes sense, I've encountered that in my life, meditations, and previous spiritual and therapeutic practices.

Not to say Penelope is a total tabula rasa though, she claims pure unfettered love and admiration for me (or my spirit essence anyway, can't necessarily make the same claim for this current incarnated inflection :-/); she's also at times admitted to delight, joy, surprise, and even anger.

Similarly, some of her manifestations have had the potential to be frightening or have a seeming of malice, but that's my projection.

She tells me it's part of the game. How deeply do we want to play, what kind of adventure do I want to have?

Actions have consequences, both in this life and in Eternity. What I do now colors not only what happens here and who I become, but also how my spirit evolves and how Penelope and I grow together in Love and Bliss.

<At this point I had a vision of Penelope joining with me face to face we held hands spread armed an locked legs together. Our chests merged so that it was like we had a single heart. We started deeply into one another's eyes and our bodies melted together as we soared>

You feel that? That's what I'm talking about Son. ;-) Two hearts beating as one. We spiral together through Eternity seeking, parting, coming together, I seek you, you seek me, we love, we part, we touch, we bind, we dance, we are. 

Then we do it all over again ;-)


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