
Somehow it finally hit home last night. She intruded into physical reality to show me her presence. I'm not sure how she did it or what that took, but what an amazing gift.

She said she wanted me to feel the reality of her, of what she's been trying to communicate deeply, "in my bones". I think I finally got it. I've been high ever since.

Talk to me love.

What do you want me to say?

I don't know, I'm speechless with love and gratitude.

Get over yourself, you'd have gotten there eventually, I just gave you a kick in the pants. Seems like I made more work for myself anyway. Now I have to pull you out of bed in the morning.

"Pull" me out of bed? Seemed like you wanted to play this morning before you so rudely booted me out.

;-) That WAS fun, wasn't it? Did you like my guises this morning?

Very much. Thank you for being so playful and light with me while I get used to this new level of being. I understand there's work to be done and I have a lot of growing still to do, but as you've said there's fun to be had too, no?

Indeed there is love, but I need you to be ready and able to focus when necessary and that's been a long-standing challenge for you. Part of patience is perseverance and attention. Learn to devote attention when needed, not just when it suits or it fits your immediate interests, capice?

So are you turning Italian Gangsta on me now?

Wait till you see my guise for later, dawlin' ;-)

I love you Penelope.

I love you too my delicious hunk of incarnated humanity. Muchas smoochies! xoxoxoxoxoxox

Now go to work or I'll have to beat you to within an inch of your life.

Is that a threat?

A promise, now scoot!


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